AFMS Youth Program

The Feather River Mineral & Lapidary Society (FRLMS) Club will be offering an opportunity for young members (ages 5 to 17) to participate in our newly launched Future Rockhounds of America (FRA) youth program.  There will be various activities for them to participate, learn a skill and make a item, help in the annual Show and attend organized field trips. Additionally, youth members have their own quarterly meetings where they will have activities scheduled to learn and make different things.

The FRMLS club’s youth program has applied and been accepted into the American Federation of Future Rockhounds of America. The Badge Program is one of many American Federation of Mineralogical Society (AFMS) Future Rockhounds of America programs designed for clubs to use in working with youth. The program is designed to reward youth with a series of badges, patches, and a completion pin. For each badge, there are easy to use activity guides. The badges are shown below.

If you have a family member – child, grandchild, etc. – between the ages of 5 and 17 please contact us to ensure their full name is on the membership roster. If you have a single membership and want to add a youth member you can upgrade to a family membership for $10.

A kick-off email will be sent to all members with date, time and location for the initial youth meeting!

We are excited for this program and believe it will enrich us all.
Thank you for the support and we look forward to seeing the new rockhound leaders evolve.

Coordinators of the program are the club Secretary and Membership Chair.
Please contact them (or any board member) for additional information.

AFMS Future Rockhounds of America Achievement Badges
AFMS Future Rockhounds of America Achievement Badges